Legislature(2011 - 2012)BUTROVICH 205

02/07/2011 03:30 PM Senate RESOURCES

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Heard & Held
Presentation by Bill Sponsor
(public comment at a later date)
Heard & Held
Presentation and Public Comment
          SB  24-SPORT FISHING GUIDES: BOARD; LICENSES                                                                      
3:33:40 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR WAGONER announced the consideration of SB 24.                                                                          
SENATOR MCGUIRE,  speaking as sponsor  of SB 24, stated  that she                                                               
gets  involved in  contentious fishing  issues because  she is  a                                                               
lifelong  Alaskan and  strong supporter  of the  fishing industry                                                               
and is committed  to preserving the resource  for both commercial                                                               
and sport fishing purposes.                                                                                                     
3:35:10 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEDMAN joined the committee.                                                                                           
SENATOR MCGUIRE  explained that SB 24  builds on SB 294  that she                                                               
introduced last  year to extend  the licensing program  for sport                                                               
fishing guides into  perpetuity, but the bill was  amended in the                                                               
House to  sunset after just  one year.  Therefore, SB 24  aims to                                                               
continue the program after this  year. It has two components: the                                                               
licensing component to ensure the  competence of licensed guides,                                                               
and the  logbook component to  ensure the collection  of accurate                                                               
data. It is the only data that is collected by the department.                                                                  
3:38:59 PM                                                                                                                    
The  bill  also  transfers  the licensing  requirement  from  the                                                               
Department of Fish and Game  (ADF&G) to a newly established board                                                               
in   the  Department   of   Commerce,   Community  and   Economic                                                               
Development (DCCED).  This idea is  patterned after the  Board of                                                               
Game and intends  to bring representation to the  3,600 guides in                                                               
the state and get them more  involved in the industry. They would                                                               
be the fourth largest group as an industry if SB 24 passes.                                                                     
She explained  that logbook data  is key to managing  the state's                                                               
fisheries and control of it  remains in ADF&G. She also explained                                                               
that because ADF&G doesn't collect  enough fees to cover the cost                                                               
of the  licensing program, it  is subsidized by  other department                                                               
funds.  The  funds  should  be  used  to  manage  fish,  not  the                                                               
industry. So, in  the end, SB 24 is about  putting the regulation                                                               
of guides  as an industry in  the hands of guides,  so that ADF&G                                                               
can focus on managing the  resource rather than the industry. She                                                               
said there are strong views on both sides of this bill.                                                                         
CO-CHAIR  WAGONER said  he would  hold the  bill and  take public                                                               
testimony  on  a  Saturday to  provide  maximum  opportunity  for                                                               
people to testify. He asked for  someone to bring the bill before                                                               
the committee.                                                                                                                  
SENATOR  PASKVAN moved  to bring  SB  24, version  A, before  the                                                               
committee. There were no objections.                                                                                            
3:42:28 PM                                                                                                                    
MICHAEL PAWLOWSKI,  staff to  Senator McGuire,  noted that  SB 24                                                               
came about  as a result of  a 2006-ADF&G task force  that started                                                               
looking  at the  concept  of limited  entry.  In the  intervening                                                               
period, the  existing guide licensing  program was created  by HB
452 in  2005 has been sunsetted  and then extended on  a one-year                                                               
bases for  two times. The  upcoming lapse  in the program  in the                                                               
existing  guide requirements  provides an  opportunity to  take a                                                               
look at the licensing and regulation of the industry.                                                                           
As  Senator  McGuire   pointed  out  and  as   the  fiscal  notes                                                               
demonstrate, he said, currently  ADF&G is subsidizing the running                                                               
of this logbook and licensing  program by over $200,000 annually,                                                               
because  not  enough fees  are  collected  through the  licensing                                                               
program to cover the cost of running and administering it.                                                                      
3:44:01 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  POWLAWSKI  said t  has  become  clear  in working  with  the                                                               
department  that the  logbook data  is critical  in managing  the                                                               
state's fisheries. SB 24 keeps  the logbook program in ADF&G, but                                                               
the licensing program  would move to the  Department of Commerce,                                                               
Community  and  Economic   Development  (DCCED)  where  analogous                                                               
boards use  fee-supported services  to support the  structure. He                                                               
said the bill  has errors related to the collection  of fees, but                                                               
he looked  forward to cleaning that  up so the fiscal  notes more                                                               
accurately reflect  the intent.  He walked the  committee through                                                               
the following sectional analysis:                                                                                               
Section 1  states a  purpose for  the bill,  which is  to provide                                                               
stability   for  the   sportfish  industry   by  regulating   the                                                               
activities   of   the   sport    fish   guide,   outfitters   and                                                               
transportation  services. He  noted that  when the  guide license                                                               
was created, several business models  popped up in the state that                                                               
while they provided sport fishing  services to clients, might not                                                               
qualify as  a guide.  Under the  current system  those businesses                                                               
aren't required to  submit logbook data. The reason  the bill has                                                               
the different classifications of licenses  - be it sport fishing,                                                               
guide outfitter, or transporter -  those are intended to meet the                                                               
different business  models that  exist and  get the  logbook data                                                               
into ADF&G's hands so it can be used for management.                                                                            
Section 2 creates  the Sport Fishing Guides  Services Board. This                                                               
is where the rest of the boards are listed.                                                                                     
Section  3 is  the  meat of  the  bill, which  he  said he  would                                                               
address in articles.                                                                                                            
3:46:13 PM                                                                                                                    
Article 1 on  page 2, line 10, is the  creation and membership of                                                               
the board.  It consists  of 9 members  appointed by  the governor                                                               
(as is the condition for  most commercial services boards) with 5                                                               
members  who  are  currently licensed  sport  fishing  guides,  a                                                               
transporter, 2  public members,  and 1 member  from the  Board of                                                               
Fisheries. Language  on page 2,  lines 25-26, is  fairly standard                                                               
for commercial services boards where  terms are staggered and the                                                               
members do not receive compensation  but are entitled to per-diem                                                               
and traveling expenses (page 2, lines 26-27).                                                                                   
Board  Assistance is  the next  section  and it  is important  to                                                               
providing  the   technical  assistance  needed  to   fulfill  its                                                               
regulatory responsibility that the bill charges it with.                                                                        
Sec.08.57.030  on  page 3  addresses  duties  and powers  of  the                                                               
board.  Lines   3-18  are   the  examination   statutes  creating                                                               
examinations that demonstrate first:                                                                                            
(A) a qualifying exam for guides and a certification exam; and                                                                  
(B) relates  to the  unit in  which one  is fishing  or providing                                                               
guide services for.                                                                                                             
MR. PAWLOWSKI  said paragraph (3)  on page  3, lines 22-23,  is a                                                               
departure from the existing statutes.  Under the existing program                                                               
the ADF&G does  not really have the power  to impose disciplinary                                                               
actions  on a  guide through  the licensing  process. This  is an                                                               
important difference  in the commercial services  board concept -                                                               
in that  rather than having  to complain to ADF&G  enforcement or                                                               
the  Better  Business  Bureau,  now the  public  and  the  guides                                                               
themselves would have a disciplinary  body made up of guides that                                                               
they can go  to complain about actions out in  the industry. Then                                                               
those  complaints   could  either  be  dealt   with  through  the                                                               
licensing provisions  or forwarded  on to  the Department  of Law                                                               
for prosecution.                                                                                                                
On page 4,  lines 6-8, the board adopts  regulations that include                                                               
establishing a  code of ethics  for professions regulated  by it.                                                               
This is  another departure from the  existing licensing statutes,                                                               
and  it would  enable the  board to  come up  with good  business                                                               
practices guidelines.                                                                                                           
MR.  PAWLOWSKI  said   language  on  page  4,   lines  13-18,  is                                                               
significantly  controversial  and   will  enable  the  Commercial                                                               
Services Board to  start looking at the  process of establishing,                                                               
for  resource  conservation  purposes,   the  maximum  number  of                                                               
licensees who might  operate within an existing  sport fish guide                                                               
unit  or  in a  concessionaire  program  to achieve  the  maximum                                                               
number. There  is a  lot of public  concern over  this provision,                                                               
and  it  is  different  than existing  statute  under  ADF&G  the                                                               
licensing program.                                                                                                              
3:50:16 PM                                                                                                                    
Article 2  on page 4,  line 19, through page  10, line 5,  is the                                                               
licensing statutes.  The first  on line 27  is the  sport fishing                                                               
guide-outfitter license.  The requirements are fairly  similar to                                                               
what exist in  current statute in terms of CPR  training or first                                                               
aid,  residency,  and  holding  a current  fishing  license.  New                                                               
additions are  on page  5, lines 9-12,  which are  the qualifying                                                               
and the certifying examinations.                                                                                                
MR. PAWLOWSKI  said paragraph  (8) relates  to being  licensed to                                                               
perform the  services of a  sport fishing assistant guide  in the                                                               
state  for at  least  20 days  within the  last  three years  and                                                               
having  received a  favorable recommendation  from  at least  one                                                               
licensed  sport  fishing  guide outfitter.  Part  of  the  bill's                                                               
provisions  is  to  create  a  new  assistant  guide  license  to                                                               
supplement  the existing  guide license  much like  the Big  Game                                                               
Commercial Services  Board uses Big  Game Hunting Guides  and Big                                                               
Game  Assistant Guides  who work  their way  up to  become Master                                                               
Page 6,  line 30, through  page 8, line  1, relates to  the sport                                                               
fishing outfitter  license. This is  a little bit  different than                                                               
the  guide-outfitter. It  is a  person that  may not  be directly                                                               
involved  on the  boat helping  with fishing  itself, but  rather                                                               
providing services helping  people get out into the  field and do                                                               
fishing. In that  that is still a commercial endeavor,  this is a                                                               
new type of  license which would be required  most importantly to                                                               
provide  logbook data  on the  catch  rates of  people using  the                                                               
service to get out and fish.                                                                                                    
Language on page 8, line 2,  is about the sport fishing assistant                                                               
guide license. This  is the position that could  advance to guide                                                               
with the  recommendation of  a master  guide. These  are intended                                                               
for the  people who are  the assistants  to the outfitter  who is                                                               
taking people  out. They  are working  under language  in section                                                               
(c) [page  8, lines  24-26]. This  section is  controversial, and                                                               
time is needed to work with industry on it, Mr. Pawlowski said.                                                                 
3:54:09 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. PAWLOWSKI  continued: page 9,  line 9, through page  10, line                                                               
5, is  the sport fishing  transporter license section.  This goes                                                               
beyond  the outfitter  and to  someone who  is transporting  to a                                                               
permanent  lodge or  cabin or  to  a boat  with permanent  living                                                               
quarters,  but still  being a  commercial relationship  between a                                                               
client and the person providing  the services. This would bring a                                                               
different  class of  guide and  guide-related  services into  the                                                               
logbook and  enforcement programs  to give ADF&G  data to  use in                                                               
managing fisheries.                                                                                                             
3:54:49 PM                                                                                                                    
Section 08.57.150  on page 10,  lines 6-22, provides  the renewal                                                               
process.   Lines   23-31   [on   page   10]   require   financial                                                               
responsibility and  insurance to be  carried by the  licensee for                                                               
sport  fishing guide-outfitters,  sport  fishing outfitters,  and                                                               
sport  fishing   transporters.  The  assistant  guides   are  not                                                               
included in the proof of  responsibility section; the presumption                                                               
being  that   since  they  are   under  the  employ   and  direct                                                               
supervision  of the  guide outfitter,  the guide  outfitter would                                                               
carry  the   appropriate  level  of  insurance.   This  level  of                                                               
insurance is what is required of guides in current statute.                                                                     
3:56:02 PM                                                                                                                    
Page 11, line  6, Article 3, relates to enforcement,  and that is                                                               
a  new  power.   The  board  has  authority   to  impose  certain                                                               
disciplinary sanctions for:                                                                                                     
-violations of  state or federal  statute or  regulation relating                                                               
to  sport  fishing  or  to provisions  of  sport  fishing  guide-                                                               
outfitter,  sport  fishing  outfitter,  sport  fishing  assistant                                                               
guide,   sport  fishing   assistant  guide,   or  sport   fishing                                                               
transportation services;                                                                                                        
-failing to file records or reports required by law;                                                                            
-negligently misrepresenting  or omitting  a material fact  on an                                                               
-breaching an agreement with a client;                                                                                          
-failing  to  comply  with  limitations   or  conditions  of  the                                                               
professional practice of the licensee;                                                                                          
-as well as the ability to:                                                                                                     
 -impose   certain   disciplinary   sanctions,   singly   or   in                                                               
 -permanently revoke a license or suspend a license                                                                             
 -censure or reprimand                                                                                                          
 -impose limitations or conditions                                                                                              
 -impose requirements for remedial professional education                                                                       
 -impose probation                                                                                                              
MR. PAWLOWSKI  said a lot of  these were taken from  the Big Game                                                               
Commercial Services Board.  Again it creates the  ability to have                                                               
a separate line  of enforcement in the community  when people are                                                               
bad operators and to have a  place for the public to complain to.                                                               
On page 12, line 2, the civil  fine that can be levied under this                                                               
section  cannot exceed  $5,000, which  is standard  for a  lot of                                                               
commercial service-type boards.                                                                                                 
3:57:25 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS asked if  the fine cap is for a  single fine or a                                                               
MR. PAWLOWSKI  said he  would provide an  answer after  he checks                                                               
with Legislative Legal.                                                                                                         
He  continued that  language  on  page 12,  line  24, relates  to                                                               
unlawful acts that have been  defined. When the working group was                                                               
developing the  draft, this  kind of  language related  to things                                                               
that people were concerned about  happening. For example, on page                                                               
12,  lines  25-27  -  to intentionally  obstruct  or  hinder,  or                                                               
attempt to obstruct the lawful  sport fishing engaged by a person                                                               
who is  not a client  of the person  (on a crowded  river someone                                                               
comes in and  pushes someone else out  of the way) -  this is the                                                               
type of  bad behavior the  board would  have the ability  to deal                                                               
with.  Knowingly guiding  or assisting  the  guiding outside  the                                                               
unit  where  the  person  is  licensed is  another  type  of  bad                                                               
behavior on page  13, lines 9-11. He said  drafting related these                                                               
provisions back to specific requirements of licenses.                                                                           
SENATOR WAGONER  said Charlie Swanton,  Director of  the Division                                                               
of Sport  Fish, Alaska Department  of Fish and Game  (ADF&G), was                                                               
on line to answer questions.                                                                                                    
MR.  PAWLOWSKI said  he neglected  to  mention that  on page  13,                                                               
lines 26-27,  a person  presenting themselves  as a  master sport                                                               
fishing guide outfitter without being  one is an unlawful act. He                                                               
explained within the  guide outfitter provision on  page 6, lines                                                               
14-29,  a  special  subset  of the  guide  outfitter  license  is                                                               
created  called  a  master  sport   fishing  guide  license.  The                                                               
important requirements there (on page  6, lines 21-25) are having                                                               
been a sport fishing  guide for 12 of the last  15 years and then                                                               
getting  letters from  10 clients  that would  allow somebody  to                                                               
advertise themselves as  a master guide. This  license carries no                                                               
additional powers  and no  additional responsibilities;  it seems                                                               
to be more  of an advertising concept that was  put into the bill                                                               
as it  came out of  the task force  working group. He  added that                                                               
you cannot represent  yourself as a master guide  unless you have                                                               
actually received the master guide's license.                                                                                   
4:01:19 PM                                                                                                                    
Page   14  is   the  responsibility   section.  It   spreads  the                                                               
responsibility for  violations of one of  the responsibilities of                                                               
those  licenses equally  across the  difference license  classes.                                                               
Page  15, lines  26-31, addresses  license examinations  and fees                                                               
under the  current program in the  ADF&G that are fixed.  This is                                                               
what  has  led  to  the  revenue problem  that  the  fiscal  note                                                               
identifies  and this  language is  a  significant departure  from                                                               
existing  statute.  It would  give  the  Department of  Commerce,                                                               
Community  and Economic  Development  (DCCED) and  the board  the                                                               
responsibility  for adjusting  the fees  based on  the amount  of                                                               
revenue needed  for the program,  so that the program  itself can                                                               
become self sustaining, and so  that the industry being regulated                                                               
will be paying the state for the cost of the program.                                                                           
4:02:26 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI asked  if this would apply  to regular sport                                                               
fish licenses.                                                                                                                  
MR. PAWLOWSKI answered no; this  is particularly for guide, guide                                                               
outfitter,  transporter, and  assistant guide  licenses -  people                                                               
involved in the commercial use of fish.                                                                                         
SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI  referenced the  annual $1.1  million fiscal                                                               
note and asked if they assumed  a gap would occur that would need                                                               
an appropriation.                                                                                                               
MR. PAWLOWSKI  answered under  the DCCED enough  fees have  to be                                                               
collected to pay for  the cost of the programs. So,  on page 1 of                                                               
the fiscal  note, under  "revenues and  funds sources,"  it's all                                                               
"fund  code  1156  receipts supported  services."  There  are  no                                                               
general funds in this program, he stated.                                                                                       
SENATOR  PASKVAN  asked how  many  licenses  will be  issued  for                                                               
calculating the amount of the fee.                                                                                              
MR. PAWLOWSKI  replied about 3,500  licenses within the  state or                                                               
about $300 per license (back of the envelope calculation).                                                                      
SENATOR PASKVAN asked  if there is an intent to  limit the number                                                               
of  licenses  and  would  that  bar  some  people  from  becoming                                                               
assistant guides.                                                                                                               
MR. PAWLOWSKI replied that there  is no intent for limited entry;                                                               
and in  order to get  there, a finding would  have to be  made by                                                               
the Commercial  Services Board. But  they are concerned  if there                                                               
were to  be a limited  area, then there  might be a  problem with                                                               
assistant guides moving up. They are trying to work on language.                                                                
SENATOR  WIELECHOWSKI asked  how  many people  who are  currently                                                               
performing  this type  of  work will  not go  ahead  and get  the                                                               
MR. PAWLOWSKI  replied that  he didn't have  that figure,  but he                                                               
would be happy  to get some analysis of whether  there has been a                                                               
change  in the  number  of guides  on an  annual  basis from  the                                                               
moment  the  guide licensing  program  was  initially created  in                                                               
4:06:10 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR WAGONER  suggested he  check the  drop in  sport halibut                                                               
SENATOR STEDMAN remarked that it  appears that there is no tie-in                                                               
in this bill  for situations where one or more  sport fish guides                                                               
are egregious in  their violations while being  directed by lodge                                                               
owners. How was that going to be handled?                                                                                       
4:07:32 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. PAWLOWSKI thanked him for  that suggestion. They may have not                                                               
captured that  concept; the  concept being  that the  lodge owner                                                               
would perhaps  be a  sport guide  outfitter, and  that is  in the                                                               
responsibility section  that links the licenses  back together so                                                               
the  outfitter can  be held  responsible for  what the  assistant                                                               
guide is doing while under their employ.                                                                                        
He went  on to explained that  Article 4 on page  16 contains the                                                               
definitions. The most important  definition is for "compensation"                                                               
on  lines 21-29.  Since licenses  are linked  to providing  sport                                                               
fishing  or   sport  fishing   services  for   compensation,  the                                                               
definition  of  this word  is  very  important. He  is  currently                                                               
reviewing different suggestions for it.                                                                                         
Sections  4, 5,  and 6  are conforming  since such  a substantive                                                               
change is being  done to the licensing system. Section  8 on page                                                               
22, lines  4-8, addresses  sunsets and  repealers. Section  10 is                                                               
fairly  standard language  for transitional  appointments when  a                                                               
board (Sport Fishing  Guide Board) is being created.  You want to                                                               
stagger terms so that members aren't all coming up at once.                                                                     
Section 11 is  accepting applications; and he noted  they need to                                                               
do a better job with the  transition provisions to make it easier                                                               
for existing  guides to transfer  from the existing  framework to                                                               
the  proposed one  in  DCCED,  if this  were  to  pass. There  is                                                               
concern that the  transfer would provide a lot  of opportunity to                                                               
deny a  lot of  people licenses,  and that  is not  the sponsor's                                                               
Sections  12-14   are  effective   dates  related   to  different                                                               
provisions in the bill, and  are part of the transition framework                                                               
they are  trying to do  a better job  of working on.  Those dates                                                               
will change as  they try to figure out how  quickly the DCCED can                                                               
fulfill this mission.                                                                                                           
4:11:47 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR STEVENS said he has  serious reservations about the bill.                                                               
He has  received many communications  saying it is not  needed or                                                               
At ease from 4:12 p.m. to 4:14 p.m.                                                                                             
4:14:13 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR WAGONER announced he would hold SB 24 in committee.                                                                    

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
SB 24_Sponsor Statement.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24
SB 24_Bill_Version A.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24
SB 24_Sectional Analysis Version A.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24
SB 24_ Back-Up_Guide Requirements - Compare Sheet.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24
SB 24_Back-Up_Sportfish Program Summary.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24
SB 24_Letter of Support_KRSA.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24
SB 24_Letter of Support_Kenai River Professional Guides.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24
SB44_Hearing Request SRES.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Stevens SESF Transmittal.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Bill_Version A.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Back-Up_Public Briefing by Div of Forestry.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Back-Up_Parcel Maps SESF.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Back-Up_Vicinity Map SE State Forest.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Letter of Support_AFA.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Letter of Support_RDC.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Letter_SEACC.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Letter of Support_SAF.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
SB44_Letter of Support_Coffman Cove.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
NEW 2-6-11_SB44_Fiscal Note DNR.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 44
NEW_2-7-2011_SB 24_Back-Up_Leg Research Report Licenses and Occupations.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24
NEW_2-7-11_SB 24 Fiscal Note_ADF&G.pdf SRES 2/7/2011 3:30:00 PM
SB 24